Emerge 180 | Commercial Debt Restructuring |Knowledge Center

Emerge 180
1 min readOct 12, 2020



In the digital world, information is a free commodity. Information combined with expertise is value added and the currency of our digital ecosystem. Anyone can “Google” instructions for refurbishing a ’57 Chevy or “wiki” a complete set of plans to build a green home. But what’s that old saying about expertise being the thing that “takes something really complicated and makes it look deceptively easy?” Without the appropriate tools and expertise, it’s just free information.

The objective of Emerge180’s Knowledge Center — and this channel — is combining access to actionable information with our expertise in the field of Commercial Debt Restructuring (CDR). When the time comes, both are at your service.

Explore by clicking our download below or reach out to us for a free consultation.

Originally published at https://emerge180.com.



Emerge 180

Emerge was born out of the ideal that small business is the driving force behind the US economy.